In his role as Associate Advisor, Matt uses his customer service and operations background to curate a smooth service experience for clients, seeking to filter out the everyday noise and help our clients focus only on high-value activities that impact their financial well-being.
Friends describe me as
Hospitable, engaging, the last to go home, charitable, always available to help, the organizer, and most importantly—loyal (almost to a fault).
Family life
I have been happily married to my wife Mary since May 2008. We have 3 young kids—Jack, Maggie, and Billy who are constantly finding new ways to keep us on our toes. While some may call it old-fashioned, we make a concerted effort to eat dinner together every weeknight so that we can discuss each other’s days. As a family, we enjoy entertaining and having our home filled with friends and relatives.
First job
One of my first jobs was with my younger brother Jim, taking over a grass-cutting circuit for a gentleman having a summer knee surgery. Together, my brother and I quickly learned the importance of scheduling, prioritization, and cooperation. As young boys, both of us would have preferred playing ball with friends or swimming at the pool, but we knew that that wouldn’t happen until all the necessary lawns were cut every day. We also came to the quick realization that it was in the best interest of everyone involved (both for the customers and for us!) that Jim cut the grass and I stick to edging—we put each other in positions where we were most likely to succeed. Coincidentally (or not), at HIG, we strive to have each team member working on tasks for which they are uniquely qualified. We call this “unique ability” and believe it is one of the organizational advantages making HIG a special place for employees and our clients.
Sporting life
Much of my life has revolved around sports—even from a very young age. Sports are a great way to develop vital skills and learn life lessons like teamwork and playing by the rules. I started officiating youth sports in grade school and coached my first youth sports team at 17 years old. I have continued both officiating and coaching to this day and found that both have prepared me for the challenge of coaching my own kids.
Favorite movies
Some of my favorite movies are “For Love of the Game,” “Cinderella Man,” and “Rudy,”; all sports-themed movies that deal with personal struggle and triumph. I always enjoy rooting for the underdog!
Customer service
One of my most formative experiences was the time I spent working at a local Italian restaurant. I worked there on and off for almost 15 years. It was there where I learned the meaning of effective communication with customers and the importance of a strong work ethic. I also came to understand the privilege and responsibility of directly impacting someone’s day through my interaction with them. It was at this job that I started to build my appreciation for truly exceptional service.
Life at HIG
Since joining HIG in 2019, I am most impressed with the level of cooperation amongst the team and the attention to detail that goes into each and every client interaction. This same attention to detail is also reflected in the people with which HIG chooses to work with and for. The mutual respect between client, strategic partners, and the HIG team is unrivaled in my experience. There is a constant pursuit of excellence that pushes all of us to be better than we were yesterday.
Favorite quote
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
–Teddy Roosevelt; April 23, 1910
Both coffee and bagels (despite my love of breakfast)
Reality TV
Sunday dinners with family and friends
Being at a live sporting event vs. watching on TV
A real/wood fire in the fireplace on a cool evening
My walk-up song
“Livin’ on a Prayer”
–Bon Jovi