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Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s
529 Best Practices
David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor
The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear
SECURE Act 2.0 and What it Means for You
As most of us were celebrating the holiday season, a significant piece of legislation passed that, in one way or another, impacted every person reading this. We’ve tried to boil down the 100+ pages to these highlights:
Required Minimum Distributions: The age at which required minimum distributions (RMDs) begin was pushed back to age 73 for individuals born between 1951-1959 and age 75 for those born after 1960, allowing for additional tax deferrals for many.
529 Plan Changes: Beginning in 2024, some individuals can move money from a 529 plan directly to a Roth IRA. This can be incredibly impactful if you set up a 529 years ago and the beneficiary finished college (or didn’t attend college) without completely exhausting the funds.
Retirement Plan Changes: Beginning in 2025, catch-up contributions will be indexed to inflation, ultimately allowing for more significant retirement vehicle savings. Additionally, matching contributions from employers can now be made to Roth accounts.
Student Loan Debt: Starting in 2024, employers can “match” employee student loan payments by contributing to a retirement account for the employee.
Please get in touch with us if you’d like to discuss any of the above information and see how it may impact your specific situation.
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