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Tag: FTC
On the Other Side of Equifax
I’m sure by now you have heard of Equifax’s recent data breach. When faced with situations like this, we like to think about our good friend Carl Richards’ sketch that encourages us to focus on what we can control. With this in mind, we point you toward resources that help protect your data in the post-Equifax-hack world. Also, we’ll share a little backstage information on our own cybersecurity efforts.
What To Do
While there isn’t a magic bullet, below are a few resources we’ve shared with our clients. These resources provide both checklist actions, as well as general information and important questions to consider.
- The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) page is a good start and will likely be kept current over time.
- New York Times “Your Money” columnist Ron Lieber has been covering the beat extensively. Search on “Equifax” and you’ll find his ongoing advice and comments. We like one of his most recent updates from September 21.
- In “Our Thoughts on Security,” Wealthfront provided a helpful overview, including a “What You Can Do For You” list of actions to consider.
As time marches on, the steps you could or should take are likely to evolve. We are staying informed, so keep an eye out for updates in subsequent newsletters.
Here at HIG
While no system is impregnable, we have long been taking strong measures to protect against hackers and identity thieves.
This year, we participated in a 12-week Schwab Cybersecurity Engagement to assess our current readiness, identify room for improvement, and formalize our action plan. Since then, we’ve been upgrading our infrastructure, engaging in ongoing education, and continually implementing checks and updates.
As this wise educator observed in reflecting on the Equifax breach, “Security isn’t a product. It’s a process.” As cybersecurity requirements continuously evolve, so will we. We would be happy to talk with you directly if you would like to learn more about our cybersecurity procedures.