For years, Capital One® has been hiring outspoken celebrities like Samuel L. Jackson, Charles Barkley and Spike Lee to ask folks, “What’s in your wallet?” It’s a memorable ad campaign – and probably a successful one, as they run it every year during March Madness. But perhaps a more relevant question these days is, “What’s in your
digital wallet?” Do you have the apps in place to manage your wealth, wherever you may roam?
Here’s a summary of the apps you’ll find in our own digital wallets here at Hill Investment Group:
HIG Wealth Access – A handy overview of your total wealth, including assets and liabilities such as home(s) and debt loads.
HIG Client Portal – A place to check your financial portfolio, as well as to securely store critical electronic documents. HIG’s client portal includes accounts we manage as well as those held elsewhere (such as in a client’s company retirement plan).
Custodian Login – Custodian account logins (for us, that’s Schwab), so you can deposit checks, initiate other financial transactions, and review account information.
Banking/Credit Cards – Bank and credit card account logins, so you can keep an eye on your spending and saving activities.
One of our goals is to enable all clients to
Take the Long View® by having easy access to their information. Please reach out to us if we can answer additional questions about what’s in your digital wallet or we can point you in the right direction for your set-up.