Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

15 Years Later…It’s Finally Catching On

We read in a recent InvestmentNews article that Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) is now the 8th largest mutual fund company. As they continue to grow, we’re encouraged to see that more investors are finally catching on to the idea that markets work and investing can be simple rather than complex.

Unlike most mutual fund companies, DFA has not used expensive public advertising campaigns to reach new investors. Their shareholders benefit from low-cost access to the markets that is limited through advisors only—sheltering DFA funds from the effect of rapid inflows and outflows that typical retail funds experience.

Musings from Hedge Fund Legend Cliff Asness

The story that follows is one of the more technical pieces that we have shared on our blog, but it is a fun introduction to Cliff Asness for those who aren’t yet familiar with his name. As referenced in another recent post, Cliff was a student of Gene Fama and since founded AQR Capital Management. Though his approach may seem lighthearted, his intent is seriously aimed at helping investors sort through the noise.  For example, the word “Bubble” is not only overused, but—for efficient-market fans like us—“It should never be uttered outside the tub.” Click here to read Cliff’s Top 10 Peeves.

Stay tuned for more in the future from AQR!

Is Your Holiday Diversified?

Hill Investment Group clients have come to know, like and expect simple images that creatively tell a story. The 2013 Holiday card is no exception.

Working with our long-time friend and designer, Cheree Berry of Cheree Berry Paper, we wanted to deliver a combination of iconic holiday images (along with our familiar coffee cup!) that would also provide a subtle nod to “the benefits of having a Diversified Portfolio.” The card is a seasonal play on a beloved Hill Investment Group T-shirt created by Life is Good. Their mission is to “spread optimism” —another thing that we at Hill Investment Group believe in strongly.

Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

Hill Investment Group